Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rocky Mountain medicine

Political language -- and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists -- is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one's own habits, and from time to time one can even. . .cocoon for long periods of time, away from televisions and computers, to spare oneself the exquisite torture of an American Presidential Election.
~George Orwell and Marie Walden

Am I happy Obama won? Yes. Do I think he'll bring significant change? No. The tender-hearted idealist in me is buried under mountains of rhetoric, hyperbole and outright bullshit.

I'm emerging slowly, squinting at the sun, trying to find Pollyanna.

1 comment:

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

Thank you Marie for the comment on ...the left side of my brain.

I loved this blog and the pictures. We are recovering political purist trying to find our way. Like you, I am a Pollyanna. Why else would I be a liberal...a conservative would never see the possibilities.
