Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ralph Nader enters the fray! Yay!



chanpheng said...

Which one is Ralph? I think must be the guy in the blue cap.

Marie Walden said...

Chanpheng, I added a link to Mekong River Tributaries in my blogroll. Your work in Lao PDR is fascinating, and I love looking at your photos.

This is a part of the world that I'm completely unfamiliar with. You're giving me a good education, and I thank you for that!

Marie said...

I am glad to see that Ralph has entered the race. Not because I hope or expect him to win, but because he may force these corporate candidates into actual discussions about issues that matter.

As far as being a spoiler? There is no difference between the candidates.

All three have penises. One poses as a woman and is hard to look at. One is an old philanderer, and equally hard to look at. The third is a kind of cutish blackish guy who likes to orate.

How can you spoil a cesspool?