Friday, March 30, 2007

Let's not drop the ball

This from the Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission this morning...

Anyone who wishes to register a complaint with the police regarding the St. Patrick’s Day parade incident (you don’t have to be an arrestee to do so) please pick up a complaint form at police headquarters. Also, we ask anyone who considers him or herself a witness (having seen the incident) and who has pictures which help establish what happened to please call police headquarters and say what you saw. We suggest the latter since the media is implying that all the calls being received by police are supportive of police behavior and of the removal of peace marchers from the parade. Thank you.

The police are hearing mostly praise for their unconscionable actions over the weekend. Typical Colorado Springs. Please call in or file a complaint if you feel that they overstepped their bounds. Whether or not you were a witness. You've seen the pictures. You know what happened. Peace activists are getting some attention from the media...Let's make sure we don't miss an opportunity to advocate for peace and for civil liberties in our own community.

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